“Himmel og hav” (Heaven and sea) opening Tuesday 22nd of March at 6 pm at Sjøholmen / Photography and paintings by Erlend Reiersen and Birgitta Strobel

«Reaching for the 7th heaven»

Art opening Saturday November 7th at Schulerudstuene in Holmsbu outside Oslo. Birgitta will be do another Painting Music-performance to Schubert-lieder performed by opera-singers as part of the Asker chamber music festival-program at the opening-night, November 7th.

Sommerutstilling 6.-31. juli på Holmsbustuene, acrylmalerier

COCO MAT OSLO, 29.9-13.10 ackrylmalerier laget til musikk

Malte-akvareller og acrylmalerier laget til musikk

Dalype galleri, 9.-19.november, Oslo 2017

Galleri Albin Art, 9.-15. desember, Oslo 2016

Galleri A Engelstad 2005, ”Here comes the sun”

Lightspace gallery, Meldose avenue, LA, 2005

Santa Monica College, Los Angeles 2004

University of Oslo, Political science) / The Journalism academy, Oslo 1996

Fine Arts and languages